
Here's a more technical list of what I can support you in...

  • General wellness/ optimization/ longevity

  • Digestive issues (reflux, indigestion, SIBO, dysbiosis, etc.)

  • Cardio-metabolic disease (heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.)

  • Sleep & energy improvement

  • Metabolism and mitochondrial optimization

  • Cognition and dementia prevention

  • Endocrine disorders (thyroid, adrenal, hormone regulation, PCOS, fertility, HPA-axis, etc.)

  • Micronutrient deficiencies

  • Precision supplement recommendations

  • Detox pathway optimization

  • Adverse food reactions (allergies, sensitivities, Celiac, sugar dysregulation)

  • Respiratory, allergy, and immune system support

  • Nasal ozone therapy for allergies & sinus issues

  • On-site strep, COVID, and influenza testing

  • Support for Long COVID, Lyme, Mold, MCAS, etc.

  • Nerve, muscle, and bone conditions

  • Prolotherapy & prolozone for joint and connective tissue injuries

  • Mood and mental health

  • Autonomic nervous system support

That's a lot! Isn't that too many things?


But perhaps not.

What most people are looking for is not another specialist who only sees their patient's health issues through one lens.

They're looking for someone who is broadly trained across all the body systems.

They want someone to explain how their body is interconnected and why they feel the way they do.

And then to show them a pathway to health.

Bringing together the missing pieces of your health puzzle.

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