You Deserve More... a Lot More

"Ok, we'll increase your blood pressure medicine and I'll make a referral to dermatology for your skin and one to endocrinology for your thyroid. Here's a script for a pain med for your knee. If that doesn't help, we'll get you to ortho. Oh and watch your sugars; you're in the prediabetic range now."

Sound familiar?

In medical school, I can't count the number of times someone asked, "What are you going to specialize in?" After all, the glamour and glory (and money!) are in the specialties! Who goes into family practice anymore?

But I didn't want to be an "ear" doc, or a "heart" doc, or a "bladder" doc. I wanted to be a "people" doc! And people are a beautiful, complicated, and dynamic integration of physical body systems, mental and emotional wellbeing, and spirituality. It felt like a cop-out to effectively blind myself to the complexities that come with caring for people to specialize in some narrow aspect of human health (although there are times where I'm grateful for the specialists).

Meanwhile, I observed how so many people were simply being triaged by primary care to the specialists - and no one was stepping back to look at the whole picture!

Worse, if a patient had multiple symptoms, it often frustrated their doctors rather than inviting curiosity.

Is this really our healthcare system?

It's certainly not the kind of medical career I wanted for myself - or my patients.

After all, patients are often hurting, vulnerable and confused, and they're coming to us for help!

This is a tremendous honor that we should never take lightly.

But the health care system is so siloed into specialties, so preoccupied with masking symptoms with drugs, and so financially driven by the number of codes that can be attached to the greatest number of patients that it is altogether incapable of providing what these patients need.

My "Why?"

So I stuck with family medicine. I kept my training broad because I wanted to be able to help my patients across all of their body systems. And I also learned about functional medicine - which is predicated on the integration of body systems.

The more I applied these things to my patients, the more we connected the dots, and found our way out of the health crises they were in - not by adding more and more drugs and specialists, but by identifying and resolving the underlying root causes - the more joy and satisfaction I found as a physician.

The hope and relief I get to see in my patients' faces when we uncover what their body is telling us is one of the greatest blessings to me. Then, after just a few months of therapy, when I hear them say, "Doc, I didn't know I could feel this good again," well, it doesn't get much better.

At Precision Functional Medicine, we provide precise & personalized health care.

How do we do this?

We get to know you.

Building a relationship with you is our top priority.

We provide more time in our appointments than most patients have ever experienced with their doctor.

This allows our patients to finally tell their whole story, and to feel confident that their doctor has listened and understood it.

We collect data.

We use information from advanced biometric labs, functional medicine specialty tests, wearable devices, and even genetics to understand what is happening in our patients' bodies.

Since Dr. Coller has expertise in a wide range of traditional and functional tests, he can help direct you toward those that will have the most value for your situation.

Precision comes as we combine advanced biometric data with the deep understanding we've gained about who you are.

What kinds of treatments do you recommend?

It depends on what your body needs!

Dr. Coller is trained in both conventional medicine as well as functional/integrative modalities, so he can work with you to choose the treatment that is best for you.

Sometimes it is medication.

Many times, it's not.

Whether it's restoring micronutrient deficiencies, regulating blood sugar, balancing the microbiome, or improving detox pathways, Dr. Coller will be your guide on your health journey, every step of the way.

Hope, healing, and whole-person care for complex chronic conditions.

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